Sunday, March 26, 2017

The key to victory

He who fights against himself will never win, for he creates and enemy of and with himself;
The one he must protect and defend, therefore he defeat the sole purpose for which to fight.
The one who rage war against himself will, shall and will become a victim of his own victory.
He who fight against himself will lose the war even before the first battle began.

He who do not understand the battle will lose the war, he will become a victims of his ignorance;
For he failed to prepare himself to meet the challenges ahead, challenges he was destined to confront.
A victim several time over, a victim of defeat, a victim of his neglect and a victim of himself.
For he fail to understand that which, it was his duty and responsibility to know.

He who do not understand the war, can still be victorious. But only if he fights each battle on its merits.
You must be careful to utilize only the resources needed to secure a victory;
Always putting forward your best, fighting the war one battle at a time; focusing on the present battle.
Overcoming tomorrow’s obstacles, fighting tomorrow’s battles and looking forward to tomorrow’s victories only after today have ended.

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