Friday, October 16, 2015

Letter - Form the President: National Garifuna Counsel - Belize

June 30, 2005

From: Michael Polonio
National Garifuna Council of Belize

To: Hon. Dr. Ralph E. Gonsalves
Prime Minister
Office of the Prime Minister
Administrative Complex
St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Tel: 784-45-61703
Fax: 784-45-72152

Subject: Pending sale of the Island of Balliceaux
Honorable Prime Minister,
It has been brought to the attention of the National Garifuna Council of Belize (NGC) that the island of Balliceaux is being advertised for sale, for
development as a tourism resort. We are mindful of the fact that the island is privately owned and, therefore, not subject to the direct control of the state.
We must point out nonetheless that Balliceaux is regarded as sacred
ground and is viewed with the greatest reverence by the descendants of the
Garinagu who were imprisoned by the British on this island from July, 1796, to 11th March, 1797. History records that 2,500 or more men, women and children died there from starvation and disease.

It is, therefore, with deep sadness and disappointment that we hear of this
intention to desecrate the burial ground of our ancestors and impose this final insult to indigenous peoples of the Caribbean, and to transform the resting place of their earthly remains into a playground for the foreign tourist, creating the perception that
the pursuit of wealth has taken precedence over human dignity and respect
for our forbearers and for our history.

Sir, it has been over 200 years since we were exiled from our ancestral
homeland, the island of Yurumein (St. Vincent). Nevertheless, the events of
that period continue to hold spiritual significance and serve as a source of
inspiration to each generation of offspring of the survivors of
that horrific act of genocide on Balliceaux.

Honorable Prime Minister, we urge the intervention of your Government in
putting a stop to this sale and to the final indignity that is intended to
be exercised on the souls of our ancestral dead.

We are extremely grateful for the recent actions and measures taken by the
Government and People of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to correct the
dishonor and distortion of the history of the Garifuna Nation. We applaud
the recognition that has been given to the fallen freedom fighter and leader
of the Garifuna Nation, Chief Joseph Chattoyer.

Balliceaux is a monument to the suffering and survival of indigenous people against
incredible odds. Let it be so declared, so preserved, honored and respected.
I am sure that we speak for all Garinagu in pledging our support to you and
to your Government in this regard. We stand ready to work with you to do
whatever is necessary for the safeguarding of Balliceaux as a monument most
fitting to those Garifuna men, women and children who fought and died to
defend our homeland, our freedom, our human dignity and our culture.

With assurances of the great respect and highest consideration of the Garifuna Diaspora,

Yours respectfully,
Michael Polonio
National Garifuna Council

Cc.: Hon. Said Musa, Prime Minister of Belize
Hon. Godfrey Smith, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Hon. Assad Shoman, Minister of National Development
Hon. Baptiste, Minister of Tourism and Culture, St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Head Office: Pablo Lambey Garifuna Cultural Centre
59 Commerce Street, Dangriga
Phone: (501)522-3781 Fax: 522-3781
Email: Polonio <>
President: Mr. Michael Polonio

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